Think of Coupld like a gym for your relationship, minus the sweating.
The benefits of a happy relationship are obvious, right? They make us, well, happier. But like all things we care about, they sometimes need a bit of attention to stay in the best condition. And that’s where I can help.
By combining the leading insights in relationship science and positive psychology with coaching practices, my services have been designed to keep your relationship in tip-top shape. A bit like working out with a qualified personal trainer - but more fun and fewer squats.
Would you, and your partner, like to…
…Feel More Like A Team?
We’ll focus on the positives to boost those appreciation levels. And with small, consistent improvements over time, your relationship will become a stronger partnership.
…Deepen Your Understanding?
Understanding, and feeling understood, is key to a fulfilling relationship. This is where ‘tandem self-discovery’ comes in. Learn more about yourself, alongside your partner, for an injection of fresh ideas and new perspectives.
…Inject Some Novelty?
It’s all too easy to spend days, weeks, or even months only chatting about the housework and what to eat for dinner. My services are here to change that. You’ll have conversations you never thought you would - and learn things you never thought you could.
…Get On The Same Page?
Let’s elevate your relational awareness so that you both have more clarity over your patterns and behaviours. This makes unconscious relationship dynamics more, well, conscious, and gives you a shared language to talk about them with ease.
Then Coupld is for you.

Hi there, I’m Ellie.
And I’m your relationship PT.
I’m passionate about understanding people. And at the heart of what makes us human is our ability to create rich personal relationships. It’s a topic I find endlessly fascinating. Which explains why my skills and experiences have led me here.
I have a master's degree in Experimental Psychology from the University of Oxford, a counselling certificate from The Minster Centre in London and I trained and qualified in Transformational Coaching at Animas Centre, the leading coaching school in London. I’m also working on my Positive Psychology Practitioner Certificate.
My goal was to create relationship services that feel fun and relaxed, but genuinely meaningful and scientific. An easy way for couples to invest in them, that feels exciting and a bit novel too. I fundamentally believe in the importance of fulfilling relationships, yet it can be all too easy to slide through life together. I want to put a stop to that. So, Coupld was born.
Client Love
For life’s transitions, ruts and niggles
For Life's Transitions
For Life's Transitions -
Post-Baby Relationship Coaching
Life with children is… FULL! So let’s make sure you can still find the space for one another too.
It’s full of love and joy, tears and tantrums... It can be all-consuming. So it’s no surprise that there’s little left to give to each other. There’s less time to connect, as a two. There’s more time spent talking about admin.
With private interactive sessions, at your pace and schedule - give your relationship back the attention it deserves.
Pre-Baby Relationship Bootcamp
Raising kids is the most exciting, fulfilling and challenging thing a relationship can go through.
And, with a bit of preparation, I know you can navigate the rollercoaster of parenthood with more empathy, understanding, love and connectedness; keeping your relationship strong and supple for years to come.
This online group course gives you the tools you’ll need to flourish on the bumpy ride ahead.
For ruts and niggles
For ruts and niggles -
The Coupld Membership
Get access to one of a kind 1:2 ‘workout sessions’, plus activities to keep you thriving as a couple in between. The monthly subscription service takes you on a year long journey of discovery, understanding and appreciation. And it’ll ensure your relationship never falls to the bottom of the priority list.

Couples that are committed to the success of their relationship
Partners who care about self-development & growing together
Modern, progressive & adventurous people
You, if you believe in the power of happy relationships
Perfect for getting things tuned up before big life events like: getting married, regrouping post baby, relocating, going long-distance, opening the relationship…
Basically, when life gets in the way of the time, energy & effort you have for each other
Or to re-energise & keep things fresh if you feel you’ve lost your spark
The totally unique, coach-led sessions give you all the tools for relationship maintenance. That’s because they’ve been designed using the most compelling findings from relationship research. Each live ‘work-out’ includes tasks and exercises that work to deepen your connection…

Your coupld MEMBERSHIP journey
The totally unique, coach-led sessions give you all the tools for relationship maintenance. That’s because they’ve been designed using the most compelling findings from relationship research. Each live ‘work-out’ includes tasks and exercises that work to deepen your connection…
Let’s start here
Firstly we’ll work on recognising what you already have. You’ll be reminded of why you first fell in love, admire what makes your partner unique and explore what you’re getting right. The first few work-out sessions are all about making sure you’re feeling really loved-up.
Then we start to tackle some of the thornier topics. We’ll explore where your challenges lie, if there’s anything going on beneath the surface, and how you’re going to deal with it together.
get specific
Now we’ve got a solid foundation, we can open up the floor to your personalised conversation topics. These sessions are directed by you, but prompted and held by me. We can cover things like money, children, careers, housework or anything else you think deserves a good ol’ discussion.
A secure future
With all the small steps and consistent work you’ve been putting in, it’s time to think about where your thriving relationship can take you - because now you’re ready to weather any storm. Our monthly ‘work-out sessions’ drop down to quarterly ‘health checks’ to make sure you stay on track.
Client Love
One year’s access to my DIY Relationship Resources:
At-Home Workout Videos to stimulate conversations you’d never have otherwise
Quick, fun & easy Stretch Sessions to keep you feeling close with minimal effort
A self-guided Relationship Check In to reinstate your relationship at the top of the priority list
A Resource Library to immerse yourself in relationship inspiration & wisdom
1 x 75-90 min Live Workout Session per month
Quick & easy homework tasks after each session
Monthly discussion prompts & date ideas between sessions
Access to Coupld On Demand: At-Home Workouts, Stretch Sessions, Relationship Check In & Resource Library
Complete flexibility to re-order the sessions, add extra topics or go with the flow when stuff crops up
No minimum sign up
The Coupld Membership
“There’s so much emphasis on marriage and the happily-ever-after, or divorce and the breakdown of relationships, but nothing in the middle. I want to be part of that movement. To break the stigma surrounding relationship support and get everyone working proactively on maintaining their partnerships.”
I am so confident you’ll love it (based on previous experience of how long my clients stick around for) - so I don’t prescribe a minimum commitment. This makes trying it really low risk!
I recommend you keep it up for the first four months, as that’s about how long it takes to really notice the impact. But there’ll be no hard feelings whenever you decide to cancel. It has to work for everyone to be a success.
That’s why trying a mini session is so important. It gives us all a chance to find out if it’s the right match.
Absolutely! One study actually found that the longer we’re together, the worse we are at guessing our partner's thoughts! The psychologists suggested this was because we tend to (often wrongly) assume we know our partner inside out. So, you might surprise yourselves in some of the discovery activities!
It's also common for pressures to build as you progress through life together: more demanding careers, a growing family, ageing parents etc. So often this means your relationship falls to the bottom of the priority list.
To quote Albus Dumbledore, 'Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.'
It's totally normal to go through highs and lows in your relationship. At times you might even question whether you still want to be together. If you've decided you do and you're invested in making your relationship work, Coupld might be just what you need. Try a taster session for free and you can discuss your unique situation with me properly.
However, as Coupld is all about maintenance and future-proofing, it's not the right solution for you if you’re in the midst of a crisis. There's no replacement for counselling or therapy if you're experiencing serious issues, such as infidelity or domestic violence (to name only a few).
That being said, if you’re working with a couple’s therapist and getting the qualified support you need for your specific challenges, Coupld’s structured, yet relaxed and lighthearted approach, could offer your relationship an extra dose of TLC. But please bear in mind, this would be something you’d need to discuss with your therapist first!
For the time being, all sessions will take place over Zoom video calls.
I work with couples all over the world and everybody has their own preferences, from early morning, lunch breaks or evenings. I'm on GMT / BST time, so that's the only limitation. But get in contact if you need something specific and we can figure it out.